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This page contains historical information. It is provided for reference but does not reflect current information or policy. |
I3TwitterBot is the replacement for this project
On the camera, there's a hacked-up PoE cable that does the following:
1 wht/org ethernet 2 org/wht ethernet 3 wht/grn ethernet 4 blu/wht GND, also Digital Input - 5 wht/blu Digital Input + 6 grn/wht ethernet 7 wht/brn Relay Output 8 brn/wht +12V, also Relay Input
This allows the camera to be positioned away from the door by running a single cable. Without this, you'd need one for power, one for network, AND one for the I/O pins. Using a single 24ga wire for power is suboptimal, but the camera doesn't draw much power, and it hasn't been an issue yet.
In the box above the door: Ethernet pins pass through to Ethernet input (into which is plugged the feed from the back of the space.) GND from power input goes to GND from camera, also to LED cathode and SSR negative. +12 from power input goes to +12 from camera, also to switch contact. Relay Output from camera goes to LED anode and SSR positive. Digtal Input + from camera goes to switch contact. SSR isn't currently connected; signals are on orange wires, shrinkwrapped to prevent shorts in the time being.
(To accommodate a future local OPEN sign, provision has been made for connecting the big solid-state relay, which can switch anything we could throw at it.)
The most important part of all this! Camera documentation: [1]
Proof-of-concept batch file:
:top del getdi.cgi wget --user=port --password=port http://i3detroit.dyndns.org:5000/cgi-bin/getdi.cgi find "DI=L" <getdi.cgi echo %errorlevel% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 wget --user=port --password=port http://i3detroit.dyndns.org:5000/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=l --output-document=NUL rem This turns the LED off when the switch is down. find "DI=H" <getdi.cgi echo %errorlevel% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 wget --user=port --password=port http://i3detroit.dyndns.org:5000/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=h --output-document=NUL rem This turns the LED on when the switch is up. sleep 1 goto top
Updated batch file, this is the one currently running on nate's desktop at home:
echo off rem set currentstate=off set camerahost=i3detroit.dyndns.org:5000 set camerauser=port set camerapass=port set twitteruser=contact@i3detroit.com set twitterpass=redacted-from-wiki :begin del getdi.cgi wget --user=%camerauser% --password=%camerapass% --timeout=5 --tries=2 http://%camerahost%/cgi-bin/getdi.cgi find "DI=H" <getdi.cgi echo %errorlevel% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto itson find "DI=L" <getdi.cgi echo %errorlevel% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto itsoff :loop sleep 10 goto begin :itson echo It's on! wget --user=%camerauser% --password=%camerapass% --timeout=5 http://%camerahost%/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=h --output-document=NUL if "%currentstate%" EQU "on" goto loop set currentstate=on echo Switch set to ON state, %time% %date% >> log rem wget --user=%twitteruser% --password=%twitterpass% --post-data="status=The space is OPEN FOR GUESTS as of %time%, please drop in!" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml --output-document=NUL del video.jpg wget --user=%camerauser% --password=%camerapass% --timeout=5 http://%camerahost%/cgi-bin/video.jpg curl --form username=%twitteruser% --form password=%twitterpass% --form media=@video.jpg --form-string "message=The space is OPEN FOR GUESTS, and here's who flipped the switch! Drop in?" http://twitpic.com/api/uploadAndPost goto loop :itsoff echo It's off! if "%currentstate%" EQU "off" goto loop set currentstate=off echo Switch set to OFF state, %time% %date% >> log wget --user=%twitteruser% --password=%twitterpass% --post-data="status=The space is closed as of %time% %date%" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml --output-document=NUL wget --user=%camerauser% --password=%camerapass% --timeout=5 http://%camerahost%/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=l --output-document=NUL goto loop
WelcomeSwitch 1.4
Replacement perl script. Running on the pfsense box in the space. (OUTDATED, NEW SCRIPT BELOW)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w my($camerauser, $camerapass, $twit_user, $twit_pass) = @ARGV; my $tries = 2; my $camerahost = 'xx.xx.xx.xx'; my $switchurl = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass@" . "$camerahost/cgi-bin/getdi.cgi"; my $pictureurl = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass@" . "$camerahost/cgi-bin/video.jpg"; my $twit_url = "http://twitpic.com/api/uploadAndPost"; my $status_filename = 'doorbot_status'; my $open_post_text = "message=The space is OPEN FOR GUESTS, and here's who flipped the switch! Drop in?"; my $close_post_text = "The space is closed as of"; my $old_switch_state = undef; $SIG{'INT'} = \&quit; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&quit; sub setOutput { my($value) = @_; my $url = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass\@$camerahost/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=$value"; my $result = `wget -q --tries=$tries --output-document=setdo.html $url`; open(my $fh, '>', $status_filename) or return; my $status = ($value eq 'h') ? "open" : "closed"; print $fh $status; close $fh; } while (1) { $cameraresponse = `curl -s $switchurl`; chomp $cameraresponse; # print "camera response is: $cameraresponse\n"; $cameraresponse =~ /DI=(.)/; $new_switch_state = $1; if($new_switch_state) { if(defined $old_switch_state and $new_switch_state eq $old_switch_state) { #no change next; } if($new_switch_state eq 'H') { print "camera input is high\n"; #get the picture my $picture_file_name = 'doorpicture.jpg'; `curl -s --output $picture_file_name $pictureurl`; next if $?; #make the twitter post my $twit_post_command = sprintf 'curl -s --form "username=%s" --form "password=%s" --form "media=@%s" --form-string "%s" %s', $twit_user, $twit_pass, $picture_file_name, $open_post_text, $twit_url; #print "twit_post_command " . $twit_post_command . "\n" ; #print "posting picture to twitter\n"; `$twit_post_command`; next if $?; unlink($picture_file_name); setOutput('h'); } elsif ($new_switch_state eq 'L') { print "camera input is low\n"; my $timestamp = scalar(localtime); #make the twitter post my $twit_url = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml'; my $twit_post_command = qq(wget -q --tries=$tries --user=$twit_user --password=$twit_pass --post-data="status=$close_post_text $timestamp" $twit_url --output-document=/dev/null); #my $twit_post_command = qq(curl -s --form "username=$twit_user" --form "password=$twit_pass" --form-string "status=$close_post_text $timestamp" $twit_url); `$twit_post_command`; next if $?; setOutput('l'); } $old_switch_state = $new_switch_state; } else { #camera input is unknown } } continue { sleep 10; } &quit; sub quit { print "doorbot sez adios!\n"; unlink($status_filename); exit; }
Welcome Switch 1.7 *Current Build*
Running on the Debian box
Current Build: myselfbot.pl
To start script:
"/usr/bin/perl -w myselfbot.pl H &" Open
"/usr/bin/perl -w myselfbot.pl L &" Closed
Current Open status
H = Open
L = Closed
#!/usr/bin/perl -w my($old_switch_state) = @ARGV; #my($camerauser, $camerapass, $twit_user, $twit_pass) = ('port', 'port', 'Test2859258798', 'CONTACT-ADMIN'); my($camerauser, $camerapass, $twit_user, $twit_pass) = ('port', 'port', 'i3detroit', 'CONTACT-ADMIN'); my $tries = 2; my $camerahost = ''; my $switchurl = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass@" . "$camerahost/cgi-bin/getdi.cgi"; my $pictureurl = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass@" . "$camerahost/cgi-bin/video.jpg"; my $twit_url = "http://twitpic.com/api/uploadAndPost"; my $status_filename = 'doorbot_status'; my $open_post_text = "message=The space is OPEN FOR GUESTS, and here's who flipped the switch! Drop in?"; my $closed_post_text = "message=The space is CLOSED, please check back later!"; $SIG{'INT'} = \&quit; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&quit; sub setOutput { my($value) = @_; my $url = "http://$camerauser:$camerapass\@$camerahost/cgi-bin/setdo.cgi?do=$value"; my $result = `wget -q --tries=$tries --output-document=/dev/null $url`; open(my $fh, '>', $status_filename) or return; my $status = ($value eq 'h') ? "open" : "closed"; print $fh localtime() . ' ' . $status; close $fh; } while (1) { $cameraresponse = `curl -s $switchurl`; chomp $cameraresponse; # print "camera response is: $cameraresponse\n"; $cameraresponse =~ /DI=(.)/; $new_switch_state = $1; if($new_switch_state) { if(defined $old_switch_state and $new_switch_state eq $old_switch_state) { #no change next; } if($new_switch_state eq 'H') { print localtime() . " camera input is high\n"; #get the picture my $picture_file_name = 'doorpicture.jpg'; `curl -s --output $picture_file_name $pictureurl`; next if $?; #make the twitter post my $twit_post_command = sprintf 'curl -s --form "username=%s" --form "password=%s" --form "media=@%s" --form-string "%s" %s', $twit_user, $twit_pass, $picture_file_name, $open_post_text, $twit_url; #print "twit_post_command " . $twit_post_command . "\n" ; #print "posting picture to twitter\n"; `$twit_post_command`; next if $?; unlink($picture_file_name); setOutput('h'); } elsif ($new_switch_state eq 'L') { print localtime() . " camera input is low\n"; my $timestamp = scalar(localtime); my $picture_file_name2 = '/home/i3/doorbot/closed/riverview-sign-pool-closed-usg.jpg'; #my $picture_file_name2 = '/home/i3/doorbot/closed.jpg'; #make the twitter post my $twit_post_command2 = sprintf 'curl -s --form "username=%s" --form "password=%s" --form "media=@%s" --form-string "%s" %s', $twit_user, $twit_pass, $picture_file_name2, $closed_post_text, $twit_url; #print "twit_post_command2 " . $twit_post_command2 . "\n" ; #print "posting picture to twitter\n"; `$twit_post_command2`; #unlink($picture_file_name2); next if $?; setOutput('l'); } $old_switch_state = $new_switch_state; sleep 10; } else { #camera input is unknown } } continue { sleep 2; } &quit; sub quit { print localtime() . " doorbot sez adios!\n"; unlink($status_filename); exit; }