HOWTO Have guests in the space

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Any member may admit guests to the space in accordance with the rules.

  1. Make sure each of your guests has a signed waiver on file. The digital waiver stations make this easy.
  2. A member must sign in each guest. The sign in sheet should be on a clipboard by the filing cabinet, or you may print a new one from here: File:I3-guest-sign-in-sheet-with-blurb.pdf
  3. Remember that you are responsible for the guests that you sign in. You are not required to sign in any guest that you don't want to.
  4. When you leave, your guests leave unless another member agrees to be responsible for them.


Minor guests must have a minor waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian

  • If the minor guest is touring the space and not using any of the equipment, the parent or guardian can sign the waiver without visiting the space.
  • If the minor guest is doing a group activity, we prefer the parent visit the space before signing the waiver, but does not need to accompany the minor during their visit to the space.
  • If the minor guest is using equipment in the space individually, that minor guest must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.