Harassment Policy
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This page contains current policy. This page should not be changed without approval from the Secretary. |
- i3Detroit has established a policy against harassment, and is articulating it publicly online, so that expectations will be clear. Let it be known that if issues were to arise, we would rather resolve them, than brush your concerns under the rug.
- Ask before touching another person, and interpret the absence of a clear "yes" as a "no". Abide by it.
- When i3Detroit members and guests express a limit on the amount or type of socializing they wish to do with you, abide by that limit. This does not apply to conducting the business of i3.
- It is OK to express the socializing limits that you have.
- i3Detroit does not tolerate behavior that promotes violence against or directly attacks or threatens others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.
- Rather than stop visiting the hacker space, i3Detroit members and guests are urged to report violations of this policy to our member advocates, with the assurance that they are committed to take you seriously and do their best to resolve the situation.
- Any time that a member advocate deems it is necessary to address an incident of improper social behavior, they will investigate. If the member advocate determines an infraction took place, they will inform the board of directors. The board of directors will then work with the member advocates to issue one of the following: A. A warning. B. A suspension of membership for a duration of the board's choosing. C. A ban from the premises.
- The member advocates will respect and maintain the confidentiality of the complaint and the identity of all parties involved, outside the inquiries of the investigation.
- The member advocates will keep a private record of complaints and penalties, to be made available to the by the board of directors and the secretary upon request.
This is a "Policy" enacted from the Board of Directors, as distinct from the "Standing Rules" voted on by the entire membership.
- The mailing list post in which Matt Arnold put it on the meeting agenda.
- The Board_Meeting_Minutes_20120814 where it was brought up.
- The Board Meeting Minutes 20120911 where it was enacted.
- The Board Meeting Minutes 4-10-18 where it was modified.
Those pages have rough transcripts of the meeting discussions.