Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20110712
2011-07-12 i3 Detroit Board Meeting
July 12, 2011
Members Present: Ross Smith Eric Merrill Paul Kerchen Joe Bender Nate Bezanson Ed Platt
Meeting called to order at 7:16 PM.
Ferndale Chamber of Commerce--Jennifer Roosenberg, Executive Director
- Benefits of membership (see flyer for full list):
- Some benefits might not make sense for i3 (unmployment insurance discounts, etc)
- Social media: Facebook 500-600 fans, 1500 group page, members can post on feed; Twitter group has ~1600 followers, retweets member tweets
- Weekly e-list of events
- Members of i3 Detroit could get discounted CoC membership
- Might be able to have Core members get member-to-member discounts
- Members can put promotional materials in CoC lobby
- Stay and Play social club: regularly does fun hobby/social events; could tie in with i3
- Perhaps i3 could host a social event for its members
- CoC owns marquee at 9 Mile & Woodward; members can advertise at member rate; message must be brief (4 lines of 16 characters)
- CoC can help with fundraising: access to biz community, social media networks
- Quarterly educational workshops and seminars
- Open to Core members, as representatives of i3 Detroit, not to business owners who just happen to be i3 members
- Next seminar: securing funding for business
- CoC is working with Kiva Detroit to see what can be done together
- Access to membership mailing list (for one-time announcements, not recurring subscriptions)
- Forum similar to Motor City Connect (eg., BNektar tastings are announced on this forum)
15-minute interlude trying to get the phone set up
Red Bull free product
- NY rep told RBC crew that she can make getting product happen for i3 if local rep doesn't.
Dust Collector
- Opportunity to get large collector unit that can serve entire wood shop
- Asking price is $750
- Sawdust control is a fire hazard
- Collector footprint is probably the same as a fridge; outside placement may be technically possible, though there may be landlord/easement issues
- Dustin and Nate will check it out
- Located in Fraser; can be hauled with trailer or full sized truck
- Would also need ducting, machine adaptors, etc.
- Should be able to handle metal shavings, small screws, etc.
- Dustin and Nate W will champion project
- No member vote necessary
- i3 will limit reimbursement to $600.
- Vote: Shall i3 reimburse the cost of acquiring and installing the dust collector system with a limit of $600?
Yes: 6 No: 0 Absent: 1
Electric Bill
- Ross needs to verify that they know we're self-reading
501(c)(3) status
- Need two things: Narrative description and financial plan
- Need to get taxes squared away--Paul and Ed
- Eric can get narrative of another organization (cousin's organization?)
- Should be done before September
- As long as non-profit is postmarked by November, PPT should be okay
Maker Faire
- Transporting
- Need to get truck (can make multiple trips)
- Party planning
- Brad seems to have it under control
- Need to get momentum going on list
- Ed will back Brad with party planning
- There is some concern that there won't be enough room for people in the tent
- Swit's projects may need to be indoors due to sensitivity to wind
- Kristine suggested having a live link between D7 and i3; probably not technically feasible in the time left
- Time-lapse photo cameras would be cool
- Swag: plenty of t-shirts left, need more hats & patches
- Squiggle trike will be at MF
Neighboring space
- Neighboring tenant is getting evicted
- Landlord has told us that there is a possible new tenant, but he doesn't like him
- Landlord is open to possibility of splitting space into thirds: one third for i3, one third for landlord and one third for landlord renting/leasing to i3 members.
- Eric and Ross will develop a detailed plan on how to fund and use it
- Need to ask landlord about storing stuff there
Mouse problems
- Dustin's dad is a pest control guy; he may be able to help us out
- Need to send reminder to list; mention at next general meeting
Pile o' Laser Cutters
- Possibly could get a bunch
- Tubes only; no cutting tables
- Functionality unknown
- Probably will take a pass
- Might be of interest to individual members
TorqCut CNC
- Nate will be working on CNC now that he's back in town
- Technical difficulties are slowing progress, but it's still underway
- Joe will make a post requesting status reports on big projects (TorqCut, plasma cutter, etc).
Status report should include time estimates, help needed, etc.
Plasma cutter
- Rumor is that Walter broke his leg
- Work appears to be underway, need to get progress report from Walter (or Lee?)
- Need to get a completion date
- No apparent progress since last party
- If it's not registered for MF, it needs to go ASAP
- In a pinch, might be able to store it next door until after party
- Joe will contact Trevor about status
RedBull Recap
- Not officially second place (there is no second place); cannot say we placed second
- SquiggleTrike will be at MF
- Crowd-sourced, distributed control center worked great
- Ted suggested i3 telepresence pod for future events
- Other teams didn't seem to have nearly the same level of support as i3 team
Board Calendar
- Ed will set up a Google calendar for board business (rent, taxes, etc)
Meeting adjourned at 10:00PM.
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