Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20160927

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Agenda for 09-27-2016

'Chair: Mike / Jamie' 7:35pm


  • Corey says hi!

New Business

Appoint Chairperson

  • What does the chair do?
    • Typically calls the meeting to order.
    • Usually only votes if needed to break a tie.
    • Jamie nominates herself.


Appoint Jamie as Chairperson of the Board

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Officer Appointments



Appoint Mike Fink as Secretary

Moved by Mike, Seconded by Evan
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


  • Charlie is working on building relationships with Ferndale and Hazel Park.
  • Looking into grants.
  • Working on social media expansion
  • Investigating space expansion opportunities.
  • Working to update insurance and will have a proposal at budget time.
  • Friday Night tours.
  • Possibilities of delegating some responsibilities.
  • Good to have additional perspectives.
  • Power and responsibilities are too centralized.


Appoint Charlie Rysenga as President

Moved by Mike, Seconded by Leora
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Action Item: Mike -

Insure the position duties for officers are updated on the wiki in the How to pages.

Senior Vice President

  • Vivian accepts the responsibilities.


Appoint Vivian Sanders as Senior Vice President

Moved by Evan, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


  • Alec's wife does all of the accounting at work. Could bring her in and review, document and streamline processes.
  • Is there too much work for the Treasurer?


Appoint Terry Wynn as Treasurer

Moved by Evan, Seconded by Jan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Nick has teaching experience.
  • Would like to be involved in the classes.
  • Plans to work with James on transition.
  • James didn't accept as board meetings tend to be long and boring.
  • Did a great job last year <applause>


Appoint Nickolas Andersen as the VP of Activities & Classes

Moved by Evan, Seconded by Jan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Nate has no new comments.
  • Matt C - Has been doing tours and thinks that should be part of the on-boarding process.
  • Matt H - Thinks Matt C sounds way more excited.
  • Nate - If there were two, with the current process it's probably more easy to parallel process. It's worth considering.
  • Nate - Didn't accept as he's somewhat burned out. There is no way to back out of the membership process. Awkward to bring someone in when intuition indicates that bringing them in isn't a good idea. Thinks being absolutely open to everyone does occasionally cause issues, and is frustrating with the current bylaws.
  • Current delegated responsibilities are generating keys, deactivating keys, and entering information into the CRM.
  • Nate would love to hand this off and make the process go smoothly.
  • Matt C would be fine working either alone or with a co position.
  • Matt H thinks a single point of contact works better, but is willing to assist.


Appoint Matt Carpenter as the VP of Membership-Onboarding

Moved by Evan, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Discussion should we create an assistant VP position?
    • May not be a good idea without clearly defining the roles.

VP of Membership-Retention

  • Dana is very busy, works nights, and is no longer a member.
Action Item: Matt A -

Check to see if Dana is still interested and available.

  • Position challenges
  • How does the information that is either in the CRM / Treasurer.
  • Treasurer has two main responsibilities, dues and finance.
  • Does it make sense to move dues follow up to the off-boarding.
  • Should the board assume responsibility to better determine position requirements.
Action Item: Evan -

Follow up with Terry on thoughts about how to best implement the VP of membership off-boarding.

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • Alec - Help to resolve issues with member to member interactions.
  • Matt A - Would like to continue in this role.
  • Wiki page with the responsibilities is accurate.


Appoint Alec Beardsley and Matt Arnold as the VP of Membership-Member Advocates

Moved by Mike, Seconded by Leora
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Vision Survey

  • About 37 replies from part 1
  • Will schedule future meeting to discuss vision.
Action Item: Jamie - Will send out a when is good and then schedule a follow up meeting.

Zone Coordinators

  • Would like to see all zones with coordinators.
    • Will send out a list of board run positions seeking volunteers.
Action Item: Mike - Define the Commons area zone and then send out to member list.

New Board Member Transition

  • David - Is comfortable as having been secretary for the last year.
  • Jan would like to work with President and VP on grants.

Lost & Found Party

Action Items

Action ItemPOC
Check to see if Dana is still interested and available.Matt A
Insure the position duties for officers are updated on the wiki in the How to pages.Mike
Will send out a when is good and then schedule a follow up meeting.Jamie
Define the Commons area zone and then send out to member list.Mike
Follow up with Terry on thoughts about how to best implement the VP of membership off-boarding.Evan


ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Appoint Charlie Rysenga as PresidentMikeLeora60PASS
Appoint Vivian Sanders as Senior Vice PresidentEvanMike60PASS
Appoint Terry Wynn as TreasurerEvanJan60PASS
Appoint Matt Carpenter as the VP of Membership-OnboardingEvanMike60PASS
Appoint Mike Fink as SecretaryMikeEvan70PASS
Appoint Alec Beardsley and Matt Arnold as the VP of Membership-Member AdvocatesMikeLeora60PASS
Appoint Nickolas Andersen as the VP of Activities & ClassesEvanJan60PASS
Appoint Jamie as Chairperson of the BoardJamieEvan70PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 9:06 pm
  • Funds appropriated: $0
  • Attendees:


  1. Alec Beardsley
  2. Evan Allen
  3. Matt Arnold
  4. Nathaniel Bezanson
  5. Jamie Burdeski
  6. Leora Druckman
  7. Michael Fink
  8. Matthew Gardeski
  9. Matt Huber
  10. David Henry
  11. Jan Henry
  12. James O'Dell
  13. Charlie Rysenga
  14. Vivian Sanders

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Board Meeting Minutes 20160913 Board Meeting Minutes 20161011