Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20181009

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Agenda for 10-09-2018

Chair: Jody

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Tax


Member income: $6,566.42
zone/SIG income: $1,473.00
Total income: $8,039.42
Expenses: $2,237.91
Net for September: $5,801.51
Bank balance $60,330.72
Emergency Fund ($30,000.00)
Net $30,330.72
  • DAVG got a $1200 grant, $1100 was reimbursed for expenses, $100 is dontated to i3.


I have delegated some things, and expect to have a draft tax return to the board by the end of the month.


  • State of Michigan LARA paperwork is done. Board & Officers are registered for the next year.


  • First student from the U of M School of Social Work project is starting soon. Also plans to expand the project to the U of M Flint once the first student has started.
  • See U of M SSW Project for details.

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Jewlery Zone has been having lots of good classes lately and we have some other new classes are coming up (Injection molding, butcher block making).

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • +2 Members
  • +7 Onboard-ers
  • -2 or 3 on hiatus

Goals for 2018-2019 Officer Session

  • Automate the Google spreadsheets used in processing membership requests
  • Automatic emails letting scholarship holders know when they have 30 days until their scholarship expires
  • Set up one (two) monthly primary new member nights (using suggested information new members should know)
  • Turn information shared during the member nights into Dallas Makerspace-esque member handbook

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • Emily is stepping down, Alec would like to continue.

Old Business

Action Item Review

Paul Jan Jody Mel, Matt to research new space options and report back at the next board meeting.

  • Mel - started but should assign this again for next meeting.
  • Paul has a few places he's going to call this week.
  • Also spoke with John today who just spoke with our neighbors. They are expected to start moving out by end of year.
Action Item: Paul, Mel - Paul Jan Jody Mel, Matt to continue researching new space options and report back at the next board meeting.
  • If you have any suggestions on this topic, let one of the people above know.

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • Discussion of paint on the driveway. It is cleaned up now.
  • Discussion of new officers, sending out surveys for officers/zone coordinators.
  • Discussion of people leaving messes, potential policy changes, but nothing concrete yet.

New Business

Thank You Cards

POC: Charlie

  • Charlie suggests thank you cards to outgoing and continuing officers, board members, zone coordinators.
  • Would be very nice for them to be recognized.
  • Mel has an idea to kind of expand on that, something opposite parking tickets, for people to point out positive things people see. Matt A volunteers to make this.
  • Also where did thank you email threads go?
  • Jody feels like doing 'institutionalized' Thank Yous.
  • Mel suggests we don't have to do it like that, individuals can do it, should budget $50 for it.
Budget $50 for thank you supplies
Moved by Matt C, Seconded by Mark F
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Potential grants

POC: Alex Polonsky - See attached

SCORE Detroit Funding Guide 20181003.jpg
  • Alex has been running the Detroit Autonomous Vehicle Group for over a year now.
  • Has been getting grants and funding to promote this with how popular that topic is now
  • He spoke to someone from Score (they work with small business development) and has a list of local grants that we might be interested in, see the above image.
  • Jody posted this to the #grants_fundraising slack channel.
  • Paul also notes that this flyer also mentions low interest loans.
  • On a similar note, Art(sAndCrash) is on the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce and knows no one there knows of us. They have a silent auction/gala on November 7, if someone wanted to donate something made here worth $80-$90.
  • Discussion of this should move to Slack.

Budget requests

Halloween Party

  • $700 for Halloween party (Jan & Melissa) - It's in line with the last two parties. We usually make some of it back in donations.
Budget $700 for halloween party expenses
Moved by Paul, Seconded by Mark
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Craft Room Lights

  • $200 for craft room lights (Jan) - Upgrade from fluorescent to LEDs
Budget $200 for craft room lighting upgrade
Moved by David, Seconded by Mark
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Choose zone coordinators/officers

  • We still need coordinators for Bike & Compute.
    • Robert B volunteers to take Compute in addition to Media Lab.
    • Haven't heard back with Dave about Wood Shop, Greg will check with him.
    • Jeff Bricker would like to do Bike Zone.
  • Need Vice President, Secretary, and a Member Advocate.


  • Secretary mostly takes notes at meetings, runs board votes, runs elections, files paperwork with the state.
  • Mike would also be OK with an assistant secretary to help with taking minutes at at least board minutes.
  • We will keep trying to fill this one.


  • Vivian and Coogle are interested in being President.
  • Vivian will be staying for one more year.

Vice President

  • Lew is interested in being VP as well.
  • Coogle would also be OK as VP.
  • Mel suggests Coogle as VP and Lew stay on with Jewelry
  • Lew: has seen the space grow over 4 years and would really like to help keep it on that track. Also he doesn't do the bulk of the Jewelry zone work.
  • Coogle: has his fingers in a lot of pies, helping with new member orientation, working on new CRM software, has been actively involved in general as a newer member. There's a balance between doocracy and organized structure. Has a lot of experience with nonprofits in general, has experience volunteering and motivating volunteers.
  • Both wouldn't be really upset of not picked.
  • Mike: Coogle: would you stop doing any of the things you're doing if you aren't picked? No.
  • Charlie: Coogle how do you balance contracting with volunteering?
  • Coogle: Has a lot of freedom setting his own hours.
  • Charlie apologizes for askign a lot of questions of Coogle
  • Lew is also very involved, setting up classes, is usually at i3 at least 4 days a week.
  • Jan points out that the person picked should work well with Vivian.
  • Lew already works together with Vivian being at i3 a lot during weekdays.
  • Vivian knows Lew, would have to get to know Coogle.
  • Jan would either be interested in taking over as President next year when Vivian steps down next year?
  • Both would.
  • Charlie mentions he made a recommendation for who to take over after he was President and wants to know Vivian's thoughts
  • Vivian knows Lew already and doesn't want to be biased against Coogle since she doesn't know him
  • Coogle suggests Lew as VP and he volunteers to help Vivian in any other way she needs.

Member Advocate

  • We have one (Alec), two would be ideal.
  • Arthur Mize volunteers, though acknowledges that it would be best to have a female member advocate as well. Also notes that per personal ethics and law, he will report to law enforecement if it is required.


  • Still needs an assistant to eventually take over.


Zone Coordinators
Bike Zone - Jeff Bricker
Classroom - Matt Arnold
Commons - Alec Beardsley
Compute & Media Lab - Robert Burns
CNC - Thad Johnson
Craft Room - Kevin Flory & Jan Henry
Electronics Lab - Nate Bezanson
Kiln Zone - Jody Raiford (Glass) & Vanessa Lipson (Ceramics)
Injection Molding - Thad Johnson
Jewelry Zone - Tanya Tkacz & Lewis Dennison
Infrastructure - Evan Allen
Leather - Karianne Gottschalk
Laser Zone - Mike Fink
Machine Shop - Tony Slover
Tool Crib - Evan Allen
Vinyl Zone - Charlie Rysenga
Wood Shop - Greg Smith
Welding - Jody Raiford
President - Vivian Sanders
Vice President - Lewis Dennison
Treasurer - Melissa Gilchrist
Vice President of Classes - Paul Lee Jr.
Vice President of Mmebership - Matt Carpenter
Member Advocate - Alec Beardsley & Arthur Mize

Appoint the above zone coordinators and officers.
Moved by Matt C, Seconded by Mark F
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Action Item: Mike/Board - Find new secretary or at least a scribe for some meetings
Action Item: Mike - Find someone to update the officer and zone coordinator slides

Space & Zone Discussions

Member Storage

  • Storage pylon is moving Oct. 20.

Committee Reports

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • Elab overflow may be too high on the mezzanine.
  • Extension cords to cord reels on the ceiling need to be removed and replaced.
  • Fire extinguishers are good.
  • First aid kit is good.
  • The machine shop has two multitap outlets of cheap construction that tend to hang out of the plug. I'd recommend installing a quad outlet. I've emailed the zone coordinator and mentioned it to Mark.
  • There is also a multitap outlet in the craft room with a cord that doesn't reach, requiring them to plug in and unplug an extension cord whenever they use it. The zone coordinators would appreciate help lengthening it.

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 9:26
  • Funds appropriated: $950
  • Attendees: 17

Action Item Summary

Action ItemPOC
Find someone to update the officer and zone coordinator slidesMike
Paul Jan Jody Mel, Matt to continue researching new space options and report back at the next board meeting.Paul, Mel
Find new secretary or at least a scribe for some meetingsMike/Board

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Budget $50 for thank you suppliesMatt CMark F60PASS
Budget $200 for craft room lighting upgradeDavidMark60PASS
Budget $700 for halloween party expensesPaulMark60PASS
Appoint the above zone coordinators and officers.Matt CMark F60PASS


  1. Jody R
  2. Mike F
  3. Vivian S
  4. James O
  5. Charlei R
  6. Arthur M
  7. Lewis D
  8. Matt C
  9. Jeff P
  10. Paul L
  11. Greg S
  12. John C
  13. David H
  14. Jan H
  15. Mel G
  16. Mark F
  17. Matt A

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Board Meeting Minutes 20180911 Board Meeting Minutes 20181113