Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20100504
04-- i3detroit 2010-05-04
Ed: financials and dues. 5100 after paying this months rent. gas was 23. electric hasnt come in yet. water and gas bill from previous space was 30.
penguicon: brad and nate: it rocked. we won best room party. discount on next years suite. the canadians were a huge help and we should give them thank you packages.
Mini maker faire 2010: skeeball... matt switlik will get it there.
Maker City Faire: each member still needs to submit their project by may 30th. group project PW racer. ted is heading up the meeting after this meeting. twinkie mobile to replace the now dead cupcake car. russ is heading out to the SF area maker faire
Brad: improving damage control from irc/google group flame wars.
argue in person or in a private conversation off the group list.
dont post angry. make sure they arent joking or being sarcastic.
space build out: punch list on the wiki and on the rolling whiteboard. ask if you are unsure about what you can do. we will generate a punch list at the end of the meeting
Aegis Consulting: met and penguicon. if members want them to do a seminar look through their class list.
Member Bios/ Contact info/ section new section in the members only section of the CRM.
To Do Check List:
- secure system (eric m. and russ)
- signage (nick and russ)
- fix insulation that is hanging in the back of the building work room
- twitter bot developement and testing (nate and brad).
- weather strip all doors
- garage door concrete seal.
- 4th window from garage door leaks.
- identifiy and label switches and boxes. (trevor)
- fire extinguisher and signs. need to find out how many and where they need to go. call city.
- exit signs (eric and nate).
- clean and stock fridge.
- electronics room (phil)
- electronics room electrical (Eric M)
- elec. room missing some trim and sills.
- craft room (Jaime and Jen)
- close gap in electronic room ceiling (Russ)
- air plumbing (Ted)
- get all exhaust fans working (Eric M.)
- hall way: floors, cleaned and waxed, (Nate W.)
- hall way: missing base trim at end of hall (Ben)
- hall enterance doors need to be cleaned and rehung.
- chem lab (nick)
- reseal shower drain.
- mens room (russ and ben)
- move left over move-in boxes to back area and clean shop.
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