Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20130115

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2013-01-15 'Regular Member Meeting

January 15, 2013

Chair: Dustin White

Start 7:30


Hans Chen

Nate B

Paul Kerchen



Steve f00f


Matt O (late)


Steve Hermann


Balloon Project Update

Scott Richardson - I had a crazy idea last year... balloons at 11000 feet. I have been recently approached by the executive director, to put something together to teach things to kids about math and science. At least one of those ideas is to bring the group by here to see the space and we will have informational sessions.

Nate B- The most immediate thing, is that having minors in the space, we need permission slips and they have to have someone here with them like a faculty member from the school.

Scott- They will have parental sign up slips on there end and they will have informational sessions beforehand.

Nate B- how do people find out about this project if they want to be involved

First FRC Group

Nate B- if there is a guy here named andrew from Madison high school...we were contacted by a rookie team looking for space...we don’t have a relationship with the team yet. I am willing to put a lot of personal time and effort into this... I will continue to give updates, but we will need to have a general clean up day to make space for them

Nate w- isn't it clean already

Nate B - To make it formal, we will have an intro to shop cleanup and meet the team day.

Broom Party

Hazel Park Ham Fest

Matt H- Ham fest is this weekend Sunday hazel park high school 8am to noon, if you’re looking for weird or old gear, you can find it here for really great prices.

Arduino/ Raspberry Pi

Chris A - I was hoping for a brief summary about the club?

Greg Smith- we placed an order and a bunch of people got them...I have them here and we are going to do some cases later tonight. Not sure about execuiting any plans or classes....we are all sort of individual at this point

Roger- Meeting on tuesday for arduino meetup

New Members//Guests







New Business

Greg Smith - Cutting felts? I cut some on the lazer cutter on a low setting.

Steve Hermann - Steve and I are trying to put everything in the place...there has been a suggestion for a nominal fee for the use of things in the metal shop...looking for like $1 and hour to $5 an hour to go toward oil and stuff for machines

Nate B- a fair bit of things that happen back there are to ; I think we should throw some member funds at those consumables.

Dustin- perhaps all the wardens should get together and see what they want and need and we can throw some money at them

Rocco - What you are asking the wardens to do are to find their overhead costs.

Nate B - I would try to avoid nickle and dimeing for everything for the space... i think according to the treasurer we are doing pretty well on funds so it wont be an issue if we do a couple hundred dollars a month and divvy it up between the wardens There is a wishlist on the Wiki and its pretty vauge but we can make it more specific

JOhn - Its difficult to carry cash

NAte B will work out details on the money situation.

Treasurer Report

Nate B- without getting an item by item break down---what is our gas bill for dec?

Adrienne - 173 at the begining of december

Greg Smith--woodshop safety class after this meeting

Rocco - i dont know if the owner will allow this, but we need to get another stopper block behind the door, the door keeps hiting the gas meter.

Steve hermann - I'm going to be gear cutting friday night if anyone is interested in seeing how it’s done the hard way.

Dustin - Karianne and I went to a jeweler today lapidary supplies. if anyone was interested in rock stuff. He wants to donate stuff to us.

Nate B- Donation came in at the end of December - there is a hell of a server setting up front...someone please find a use for it. It is fully functional and property of the corporation and it cannot leave the space.

End 7:55pm

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