Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20130402

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2013-04-02 i3Detroit Regular member meeting April 2, 2013 Chair: Dustin White

Start: 7:30 pm


Matt O.

Dustin white



Eric Merrill

greg Smith

Terry Wynn

Nate B.



Chris A.

Kevin Flory

Ted Hansen

Matt Huber


Matt Swit

Nick Britsky

Bob ross recap

MAtt O.- saturday it was a success, we had 14 people show up. a few things it seemed like htere were a few people who felt it was too slow and some people who felt i twas too fast. Some people want to come and laugh about it, and there is a group that actually want to learn how to paint and use special techinques.

we are going to do another one in about 3 weeks.. ill do two back to back one goofy and one serious.

Nate B- how do you distinguish between the two

Kevin - bob ross paint along vs class

Ted- i was here to observe and maddy matt and kevin all worked very hard and everyone had a great time.


We get requests for this all the time.

Matt o- that being said, if you need some more publicity for your event, yelp is a great business to be affiliated with, ask me for the contact information.

Kevin - I really think it went well too, but there are a lot of questions. there is a lot of work involved with.

Nate B.- we might want to put this in the description that cleanup is in the part of the class.

Nat w- we need to bump the price up

Dustin- Banana

Nick Britsky likes Oil...Acrylic BAD.

DIY Dentistry recap

Ted- The blog on April 1st, it went very well, we got loads of views on our webpage. Thank you very much to Dustin who brought some equipment. Big thanks to Matt for taking the pictures

Kevin- It was great! Blood Everywhere

Nate B displays a graph of our webpage traffic on april 1st

General supplies

Roger- duct tape, and things that people use little tiny bits of do we have a policy for reimbursing.

nate B- if it is part of a zone that warden can use the funds or ask for funds at a meeting, etc.

Ted- I wouldn't be opposed to using $200 for duct tape and other various materials. I think we jsut need someone to champion it.

Steve H- i will be going to costco tomorrow

Nick Britsy works with duck tape, we need to prepare something for a donation of duct tape.

Nate W explains the wish list - If we want to put consumables, we can do that.

Ted - So do nothing until someone asks?


Donation receipt

Adrienne- so there was a discussion under IRS guidelines cash or property and for determining the value of the donation cash is easy, but for property is a little more complicated.

Greg- did we give anyone receipts last year for their taxes?

Adrienne- Yes, terry had the suggestion of talking to the zone warden, to see if they actually want the equipment and they can make a determination of how much the equipment is worth

Ted- is there a handy place i can read all of these rules

adrienne - the wiki

Eric merril- we just don’t want to become a dumping ground for useless crap.

Adrienne- if the zone warden wants it and figures out the value, you can email the treasurer, the description the vaule of it and date of donation, i need the address if they want it mailed, or i can give it in person. The treasurer is the only person who should be signing them.

Greg- does that actually become a list of i3’s assets?

Adrienne- it should be on the wiki?

Ted- we don’t have a list of our assets

Nate b - i don't know my assets from a hole in the ground


Eric M - If your total cash equivalent donations are under $250 dollars, you don’t need to track

NAte B- should we re-do previous donations and issue proper receipts

NAte B and Adrienne will talk after the meeting about receipts that may have not been issued by the treasurer.


Dustin W- This is on the calendar for May 18th...but a bunch of us will be gone that weekend. WE want to move it to May 11th

Greg Smith- that’s mothers day weekend.

Ted will be spedning time with Dustin’s mom

Nate B changed it on the calendar

Do your mother a favor and come clean the shop. She will be proud of you for doing something.


Dustin- the most glorious and magical time of the year.

Nate B- if you imagined every spacfe in the silver dome parking lot was a flea market.

MAtt Huber- Exploding sewers!!

Dustin- we are getting a block of hotels and going together

Tickets are like $30

Nate B- the secret sauce to getting a space to park your stuff.. its like $140, but for radio clubs can get 4 spaces for 100 bucks

There is a bunch of gushing and oozing over hamvention and boners are popped all over. Everyone is excited about Hamvention

17th -19th

Frisbee Horses Inspection Readiness Matt O- We are changing the cert of Occ. that is triggering an inspection.

Fire extinguishers Ted will update fire extinguishers

Terry Wynn ; Can we add one to the Kiln zone?

Ted: i will get one from the supplier tomorrow

Nate W -The city will be here within the next month or so, we don’t want to get shut down, we need ot make sure there is not junk around. We need to sweep up and not have garbage around

Wood in the wood shop need to be organized and saw dust needs to be sucked up

Laser cutter, there are scraps and piles of wood, ted is going to start throwing away anything that is on the floor by the laser cutter.

Metal shop dumbasses

Dustin - For those of you that don't know, aluminum smears, when you stick it into the grinding wheel.

Ted- I'm going to make a motion to replace these grinding wheels. Someone is not aware that aluminum cannot go in these grinding wheels.

There is already a sign. please assist your fellow members.

Ted Hansen Motion to allocate up to $100 for grinding wheels and Sanding discs. Motion passed 3 voted, 3 present, 3 vote for motion, motion carries. Ted Hansen Chris A Nate Bezanson

Maker faire Call is open

Ted- if you have a project that you think is cool, bring it to maker faire! If you don’t have a project come anyway!

Nick b- they are desperate for large projects

Dustin yells at everyone for not raising their hands.

MAtt O- if anyone want to do the model T powerwheels.

Financial Report

Adrienne - Very exciting news! So the first quarter is done, and we did in fact turn a profit! Even with our rising utlity bills. Some good news, the electric bill will be chipped in with B Nektar. They will write us a check for their portion (roger rocks!) IN terms of our member ottals in march we had 10 core members and 90 members, we have a total of 100 members!!

$810 of profit.

I would like to make a suggestion; we have a bunch of money in our bank account. WE should start thinking about fun things to buy.

New faces;

Ed Meese is a painter MIke has his masters in physics and is a nerd looking for nerds

New business

Ted- makes a beautiful speech. I am delighted to hit this milestone of hitting 100 member


End 8:18

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