Stuff Handling Protocols
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This page contains historical information. It is provided for reference but does not reflect current information or policy. |
Proposal Prototype
In order to help me clean up items not of my own creation and tell me how I should handle items of my own creation, I am writing down these protocols. I expect the group to review these and modify them as the group feels wise. But they cover questions to which I actually need answers, so I do intend to use the final product to set everyone's expectations on how others will treat their stuff and how I will operate.
Breaking or Damaging a Tool
If I break a tool, I will mark the tool as broken with tape of some sort. I will place it in its home. I will contact the Zone Coordinator for the tool. I will make a post in the Members list, so that others won't come to the site expecting to use the tool. I will expect the Zone Coordinator to contact the owner and broker any recompense appropriate.
If I damage but do not break a tool (e.g. a dent in blades of a pair of wire cutters) such that the tools is still usable, I will notify the Zone Coordinator, with a photo when appropriate and available and I will place the tool back in its home with no explanatory markings. I will expect the Zone Coordinator to contact the owner and broker any recompense appropriate.
When Done with a Tool
I will place it back in its home, whether I took it from its home or found it elsewhere. If I found it elsewhere and do not know its exact home I will place it in the WHERE DOES THIS GO in the appropriate Zone. If I do not know the Zone, I will guess, with the default being the Tool Crib.
When I am storing a project not in my plot.
I will request a Parking Permit from the Board.
When I am storing material not in my plot.
When I have material larger than is reasonable to be stored in my plot, which I am NOT sharing I will place it in the appropriate zone/location:
Metals - Machine Shop material racks with your name tagged on it clearly. Sheet Woods Full sheets (4'x4' or larger) in the Sheet Rack, with your named tagged on it clearly. Partial Sheets of wood/mdf in the sides of the Long Wood Rack with your named tagged on it clearly. Stick Woods in the Long Wood Rack with your named tagged on it clearly. . Sheet Acrylic – In the cabinet drawers in the Laser Zone with your named tagged on it clearly.
All other material should be small enough to fit in a plot, or should sit in an open area with a Parking Permit attached.
When I have Scrap Raw Material after a Project that I Wish to Donate
I will estimate if the remaining scrap is useful. If so I will first cut off the remnants and spars not useful and place the remainder in the normal area for storing materials of this type.
When I Have Scrap Parts from a Project that I want to allow the Membership to Scavenge
I will place it in the Graveyard. I will not place anything in the Graveyard that is not my material, unless I am a board member.
I understand that we no longer have a two-stage disposal system. I understand that a homeless part will age in place while ownership is ascertained and Parking Permit obtained/extended. If that does not happen after an appropriate time then a Board Member will remove the item to the Graveyard for immediate scavenge by the Membership.
When placing an item in the Graveyard, I will mark the month, and I will mark if it is not functioning. The purpose of the Graveyard is to be kept FULL of useful items for the membership. If I need to remove items to make room for my new items, I will then, and only then, remove some items to the dumpster, by my best judgement on duration of orphaning and utility. I will check the Graveyard area for signage on which items SHOULDNOT be removed by dumpster and follow those instructions.
When I have an item I wish to donate
I will contact the appropriate Zone Coordinator, explain any conditions attached with this donation and see if the Coordinator wishes to accept this donation. If your items doesn't fit in the domain of a zone Coordinator, contact a Board Member. Use the tax forms if applicable and desired. Coordinate with the Coordinator for delivery and storage. Remember CRTs are not usually desired as donations. Do not leave your item before coordinating with the Zone Coordinator.
When I wish to loan an item to i3
I will contact the appropriate Zone Coordinator, explain any conditions attached with this donation and see if the Coordinator wishes to accept this loan. If your items doesn't fit in the domain of a zone Coordinator, contact a Board Member. Coordinate with the Coordinator for delivery and storage.
When I have an item at home I wish to allow the membership to scavenge.
I will Post it on the Members List. I will not bring it into i3 until I have a new owner. I will not dump them into the graveyard. I will not use the graveyard as a “transfer point” because items in the graveyard are Open Scavenge.
When I Wish to Clean Up After Others
When I find a tool left out I will put it in its home. If I don't know its home, I will put it in the WHERE DOES THIS GO box in its Zone. If I do not know its Zone, guess, with the default being the tool crib.
When I find a material left out I will put it in its raw materials home. If I don't know its home, I will put it in the WHERE DOES THIS GO box in its Zone. If I do not know its Zone, I will leave it and post a picture of it in the Members List with the caption ABANDONED MATERIALS in the Member List with a photo and description of where it was found.
When I find a partial project small in nature abandoned, I will put this in the SMALL PROJECT BUFFER. We will need to build and designate some shelf or area to place abandoned projects to clear workspaces, a shelf large enough to handle multiple projects each about the size of hatbox or so. I will put an ABANDONED MATERIALS post with pic in the Members List saying the item was moved.
When I find a partial project large in stature, whose owner I know or suspect, I will contact that owner and ask that he handle the matter by getting a parking permit or taking the project home. If I do not know the owner, I will put an ABANDONED MATERIALS post with pic in the Members List. If that partial project has not moved in 15 days, I will then contact a Board Member asking them to Ticket the project.
If I see a partial project with a ticket past due for 30 days or more, or a parking permit that has lapsed by 30 days or more, I will put an ABANDONED MATERIALS post with pic in the Members List asking the owner to put a valid ticket on the item or a board member to place the item in the graveyard.
When I find materials belonging to i3 left out in work areas that don't have an appropriate Zone/home (like the cement), I will post on the Members List to try to resolve the matter on a case by case basis.
When I need to leave a Partially Finished Project, or a Mess
I will try to make this a very rare occurance, but when I need to do so, I will post a sign with my name and the Project name (if appropriate) and when (Date and Time of Day) I will return to continue work or clean up. That time needs to be with a day or two of the time I leave. A good example is the Red Bull Creation project that took up two table for about 7 days, with work proceeding almost every day, with new signs each day.
See Standing Rules
Please edit this doc and place comments and critiques here. I will be presenting this (possibly with revisions from your comments) to the Members at the June 4 meeting.
To help analyze both why I am making a point in this proposal and what needs to voided to adopt my proposal, I will describe a situation and tell what the wiki says to do, why I think it needs to change, and what I am proposing to change it into.
Breaking or Damaging a Tool
- Existing Procedures: None documented
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal:
- Breaking: Mark it. Put it home. Notify warden. Post it. Coordinator talks to owner.
- Damage: Dont Mark it. Put it home. Contact Coordinator with photo. Coordinator talks to owner.
When Done with a Tool
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Put it home if you know it. ELSE, Put it in zone WHERE box if you know zone. Else guess, default is tool crib. Put it in WHERE box. We need WHERE boxes in all zones. Possibly with clear front. This means tools are always in home or in WHERE box in home zone. Easy to find.
When I am storing material not in my plot.
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Make a list of the material storage areas. Put them there. Mark it.
When I have Scrap Raw Material after a Project that I Wish to Donate
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Remove spars to leave useful scrap. Put in area from list.
When I am storing a project not in my plot.
- Existing Procedures: Standing Rules. Parking Permit
- Analysis: Keep, no change
- Proposal: No change.
When I Have Scrap Parts from a Project that I want to allow the Membership to Scavenge
- Existing Procedures: Put in Graveyard
- Analysis: Keep these, no change.
- Proposal: No Change.
When I have an item I wish to donate
- Existing Procedures: Standing Rules say apply to board.
ALSO and new rule says apply to Coordinator unless no warden then go to Board.
- Analysis: Conflict.
- Proposal: adopt
When I wish to loan an item to i3
- Existing Procedures: Standing Rules. Give the Board a filled-out Equipment Entry Form / Ownership Affidavit and wait for approval.
- Analysis: Undercuts Coordinator. Board becomes bottleneck. No one fills out form, too burdensome.
- Proposal: Contact Coordinator. No Form.
When I have an item at home I wish to allow the membership to scavenge.
- Existing Procedures: Graveyard. Use Virtual Graveyard.
- Analysis: Keep
- Proposal: Keep.
When I Wish to Clean Up After Others
Situation #1: I find a small project or component on a worktop or table without the owner being in the site or any signage attached to the project.
- Existing: The Standing Rules say I must affix a parking ticket and post a notice/attempt to contact the owner if known, after 7 days without remedy the board will dispose of it as it sees fit (no specifics given).
ALSO: The Lost and Found page says that when the parking ticket expires (7days) the fixer can place the item into Lost and Found with another post, although we have no area designated as Lost and Found. After one month of not claimed from Lost and Found, any member can move it to Graveyard. Although this clashes with the definition of the Graveyard.
- Analysis: These two instructions clash. There is no Lost and Found. This requires an abandoned project on a worktable to sit for at least 7 days.
- Proposal: Make an area/shelves designated “Small Project Buffer Area”. Initial Cleaner will Move abandoned project to Area without damage. Post/inform owner if known. Optional: Place a Parking Ticket on the item when moved by initial cleaner. Use 7 day grace to expire and to move to Graveyard by Initial Cleaner
Situation#2: I find a large project or component on a the floor in a commons area without the owner being in the site or any signage attached to the project or a parking permit.
- Existing: same as before
- Analysis: These two instructions clash. There is no Lost and Found. Seven days unclaimed for a big project is probably too short a time. Item may be too big for Graveyard.
- Proposal: Initial Cleaner will Ticket and Post, after 15 days unclaimed item will be moved to graveyard by Fixer. If too large for graveyard, Initial Cleaner will contact board for exception handling.
Situation#3: I find tools left out and wish to clean up.
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Put it home if you know it. ELSE Put it in zone WHERE box if you know zone. Else guess, default is tool crib. Put it in WHERE box. We need WHERE boxes in all zones. Possibly with clear front. This means tools are always in home or in WHERE box in home zone. Easy to find.
Situation#4: I find materials left out and wish to clean up.
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Make a list of the material storage areas. Put them there.
When I need to leave a Partially Finished Project, or a Mess
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: This happens enough to have a protocol.
- Proposal: Make a sign with WHO and WHEN BACK. No more than a couple of days.
- Existing Procedures: None Documented.
- Analysis: We need some documented.
- Proposal: Make a Lost and Found Box. Put in box, or other area if appropriate with note in box. Post.