Agmlego | |
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Real Name | Amelia Meyer |
E-mail Address | |
Slack Handle | agmlego |
Callsign | KE8HOJ |
Steam | agmlego |
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Fab Lab Coordinator | |
Board Member: 2014-2015 | |
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Authorized to use: |
Car uppy go downy |
Certified Trainer on: |
Melodic Tapir |
- I3DoorIris: A simple, sensible solution to the classroom-door-is-opaque problem
- PartsLaser: A means to guide and instruct folk in the Electronics Room
- Rostock MAX: A commercial, hobbyist delta 3D printer sold by SeeMeCNC.
- Full Spectrum laser cutter ventilation system
- 150W laser cutter ventilation system
- Vending Machine replacement controller
- Wayfarer Magic Box Replacement, for cheaper, more-compact jib halyard tensioning on the Wayfarer class of small sailboats.
- Drone CI and Salt to do configuration management of the myriad computers throughout the space.
- ES200G Scooter Battery Powerwall for my house.
Dead Projects
I3PNP: Stepper controllers for the six-axis machine in the Electronics RoomTriDforce: A large delta-platform, likely to end up in the Fab Lab alongside the PrintrBot and instead of the MakerBot Cupcake.I3TwitterBot: A replacement for the WelcomeSwitch with additional functionality.I3CrackCam: A webcam looking at the growing (?) crack in the wall above the office area ceiling, to measure how quickly the roof is falling.PlotPCB: an open-source toolchain for the Protomat
- Software development in Python
- Web design in HTML/CSS
- Basic machining
- Laser cutting
- PCB design in EAGLE
- Industrial machine vision in OpenCV, MATROX MIL and DesignAssistant, COGNEX In-Sight, and others
- Robotic control systems, design and implementation
What I want to learn/work on with you
- 3D printing
- Controls, robotic or otherwise
Other Activities/Interests
- Avid sailor
Merit Badges
AN | AllNighter |
CH | CatHerder |
EH | Event Host |
FATT | FixALLTheThings |
Svn | GitHubHero |
MTP | MeetThePress |
NB | NoseBleed |
RB | RecursaBadge |
TGT | TenGotoTen |
TG | TourGuide |
WV | WarrantyVoid |