Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20160308

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Agenda for 03-08-2016

'Chair: Mike Fink 7:41 pm'



Old Business

  • Training Stimulus Update - James O'Dell
    • Additional classes are a little slow
    • Dusty Dev Board, March 5th
    • Introduction to Flask, March 19th
    • Will report to Treasurer at end of month for eligible refunds

New Business

  • Kroger giving signup (after Board Meeting) Terry W

Building Sign Update

Jamie - Augie, has checked into prior threads.
  • New sign will be donated.
  • City requires a licensed sign hanger, and we need to get a permit.
  • Sign can be up to 25 ft^2 based on building frontage.
  • To file the sign permit, we will need
    • $150. Can we put this in the budget now so it's there when they need it?
  • Elevation view of the building. Does anyone know where blueprints or other plans for the building are? Specifically need the exterior area on the front of the building.
  • Letter of authorization from the landlord Who is the current contact for the landlord?

Budget $150 for sign permit fee.
Moved by Evan, Seconded by Jamie
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Space & Zone Discussions

Floor Plan

  • N/A

Member Storage

  • Review instructions on wiki to make sure they are current.
  • Refer new members to Terry

Commons area

  • Thinking of adjusting the bunk couches as the current orientation narrows the main floor space in the commons area.
  • Thinking of replacing bottled water in fridge with a water cooler. Would provide filtered hot and cold water.
  • Matt H. Has one that uses 5 gallon bottles.

Budget $500 for a filtered and plumed water cooler. Funds will not be reimbursed until April 1, 2016.
Moved by Evan, Seconded by Jamie
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Tool Crib

  • Reservable work space needs to be cleaned up.

Fab Lab

  • Paul Kerchen would like to sell his share of the Protomat to the space for $200
  • Amelia Meyer would like to petition the board for a budget amendment to do so
  • Terry recommends soliciting feedback and plans from all owners before taking action.
  • Terry will go to all 5 owners to determine intent.

Officer Reports

Treasury and Budget Report for February, 2016

  • Financial Grade: B+
  • Emergency: $10K Checking : $2.1K
  • Classroom 60% paid. (2015&16)
  • 96 Subscriptions 12 annuals -
  • Subscriptions make the treasurers life much easier!
  • Above normal dues normal donations.
  • On Mar 1, 134 paying members, 50 Hiatus, 6 Scholarship
  • Lean on cash as Jan expense checks clear the bank. March should be better.
  • Need to enroll membership and friends on Kroger/Amazon programs
  • Need to get membership to hit up large corp employers.



  • Remind Jamie that she's taking notes at the first April member meeting.


  • Classes
    • Grosse Pointe Library - Still in talks.
    • SWE - materials secured. Waiting on them to signup on Eventbrite.
  • Outreach
    • Shell Eco-Marathon - Secured a booth. Lined up volunteers.
  • Suburban Tool doing a Youtube video.
  • Updating and printing more fliers as we are out. Adding new zones and other things.
    • Brochures are about 200MB and currently can't be pointed to the wiki.

Senior Vice President

Overview: Notes on progress/completion of tasked worked on

Signs: I have created and hung all but two signs through out the i3 space. Those signs still remaining to create and hang are:

 - Laser Zone
 - Commons

What I'm calling Demo Days:

First One: American Integrated March 22, 2016 6:30pm i3Detroit

 - Spoke with manager of American Integrated a provider of screws, bolts nuts and more, they will visit the i3 space on the 22nd to give a presentation on/about their company and how/best solution you might need for your specific projects.

Second One: Etsy Date TBD

 - Focus: "All things Etsy" (Creating your account, how to get found, processing/shipping tips) This will be a free event for members. We will have a donation jar for non-members.

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Training Stimulus
    • Doing OK
    • I need to promote heavily next member meeting
  • Upcoming Events
    • Electronic Music Night - April 1st
      • I will be out of town. Does anyone want to host? Or move to April 15th, Celebrate Tax Day!!!
    • Yuri's Night? - April 12th
    • The Iron Yard looking to do IOT classes. LED Weather cloud, or a plant sensor.
    • Silversmiths guild laser cutter training.

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Much work on member signup process.
  • Board action requires consensus.
  • Look for a new membership procedure soon.
    • Will not try do do everything in one night.
    • Applicants will be directed on how to find information.
    • More clarity on who is responsible for each step.
    • Allow more parts of the process do be done not at specific times to remove roadblocks.
  • President shouldn't be the one delegated to.
  • If officers are not going to be present, they should both inform in advance and try to find a delegate to fill in.
  • Should new members be required or strongly recommended to assist with future signups?
    • Would still need assistance from someone with experience.
    • Works well to find and identify gaps.

VP of Membership-Retention

  • Working on CRM updates to allow more than just treasurer to have visibility to what is needed.
  • In the interim, Terry can provide data.

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • There appears to be a culture that women do not know what to do in a workshop environment. There does not appear to be tied to specific individuals.
  • Plan to address these comments at the next member meeting.

Committee Reports

Moderation Committee

  • Members mailing list - no action needed as nobody is currently moderated.
  • On public list all are moderated until proven to post clear communication. This cuts down on spam and bots.
  • Announce - all users are moderated.

Scholarship Committee

  • Currently one application this term.
  • Terms are 6 months starting January and June. One scholarship per 10 members.
  • Scholarship is just like membership the main difference financial.
  • Last process
    • Had a period open for applications.
    • Upon closed they were reviewed.
    • Applications were then processed using the submitted forms.
  • Last implementation of program isn't really usable in the current state.
  • Will plan to use a limited version of the status.
  • Jamie will now be heading the committee.

Lost & Found Party

Action Items

no action items yet, Charlie.


ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Budget $150 for sign permit fee.EvanJamie70PASS
Budget $500 for a filtered and plumed water cooler. Funds will not be reimbursed until April 1, 2016.EvanJamie70PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 9:27 pm
  • Funds appropriated: $650
  • Attendees: 14


  1. Evan Allen
  2. Matt Arnold
  3. Nathaniel Bezanson
  4. Jamie Burdeski
  5. Leora Druckman
  6. Michael Fink
  7. Matthew Gardeski
  8. Matt Huber
  9. David Henry
  10. Brian McPherson
  11. James O'Dell
  12. Charlie Rysenga
  13. Vivian Sanders
  14. Terry Wynn

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Board Meeting Minutes 20160209 Board Meeting Minutes 20160412