Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20200602

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Agenda for 06-02-2020

Chair: Mel

Meeting Location

Virtual Meeting

Meeting was Called to Order At: 1734


  • Check if the stream is up and announce who's viewing from remote

Introduction of i3Detroit

  • A mythical place that I miss very much. -Que

Experienced Members

  • Mel, Jamie, William, Amelia, A’lisa,

New Members & Guests

  • n/a

Show and Tell

  • Kevin Flory. Person reading this out loud, I have hacked you! Also, please follow the links below...

File:Kflory.forMemberMeeting.20200602.1.jpg File:Kflory.forMemberMeeting.20200602.2.jpg

  • Que Fanning. Awesome Lego Shark.

Old Business

  • n/a

New Business

  • Discussion of voting procedures. Use of emoji voting.

Upcoming Events

  • To be filled in by classes and events VP.

Re-Opening the Space

  • POC: Jamie

Members voted last week on the first version of the Covid Rules, which are now in the Standing Rules.

Board Mandates

The Board voted last week to re-open the space under those rules, provided a few conditions were met.

1. "Membership approval of a policy limiting occupancy to no more than 10 people."


Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan Section 6


"6. Before coming to the space, you must schedule your work time by using the calendar, and you must update the work schedule after you leave to reflect actual times that you were at the space. Staggering of work is strongly encouraged to minimize the number of people in the building at any given time. See COVID-19 Best Practices for details and instructions"


"6. No more than 10 people may be in the space at any given time. Before coming to the space, you must schedule your work time by using the calendar, and you must update the work schedule after you leave to reflect actual times that you were at the space. Staggering of work is strongly encouraged to minimize the number of people in the building at any given time. See COVID-19 Best Practices for details and instructions"

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Amelia
15 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

2. "Repairs to the door sensor."

  • Status: Mike has repaired the door sensor.

3. "Approval by the membership to wipe all member keys and to re-add membership keys on an individual basis after completing the new waiver and the covid screening sheet for the first time."

  • Note: The president's interpretation of the above statement is that the Board wanted the membership to agree to 2 of the questions that were in the screening form regarding training on Covid-19 and agreement to follow the rules, not that the screening form itself is needed to be filled out, as this would collect unnecessary private health data from the members. As such, a separate one-time form was created that is separate from the health screening checklist.


Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan To include:

"5. All membership keys will be wiped from the keypad and keys will be reinstated on an individual basis after the following conditions are met:

  1. The member has completed the new electronic waiver
  2. The member has completed the COVID-19 Rules Member Agreement Form"

and change the Screening Checklist


"Legally Required Training Information about COVID-19, including: (1) Routes by which the virus causing COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person, (2) Distance that the virus can travel in the air, as well as the time it remains viable in the air and on environmental surfaces. (3) Symptoms of COVID-19. (4) The use of personal protective equipment, including the proper steps for putting it on and taking it off. Is available from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above information from the CDC. * I agree (checkbox). i3Detroit's COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan i3Detroit’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan is available on the wiki here: [Link to standing rules section]. Our Best Practices are located:

By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to follow all of the rules, including procedures you must follow to prevent exposure and spread of the virus, steps you must take to notify i3 of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis, and measures that i3 is taking to prevent member exposure to the virus * I agree (checkbox)"


"I have checked for any updates to the COVID-19 Rules and Best practices since my last visit, via the i3-announce mailing list and the i3 Wiki, and fully understand the rules in their current state I agree (checkbox)"

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Amelia
15 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Board Suggestions

The board also suggested other changes that would make them feel more comfortable, but they are not required to re-open the space.

1. Remote access to door camera review, with sunset clause at the end of covid operations


Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan To include:

"20. Camera reviews will be permitted to be conducted remotely via video chat. All other rules regarding the camera system will remain the same"

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Amelia
15 Ayes / 1 Nays
Result: PASS

2. " Zone usage for zones without sanitation procedure will be considered closed in the best practices "

  • Status: Jamie is working on this. Should be complete by Tuesday

Member Suggestions

Screening Checklist Change
  • POC Mike
  • I'm suggesting we update the COVID-19 Screening Checklist to wording more equivalent to the most recent screening checklist from Oakland County (dated 5/22/2020)
  • Specifically, Oakland's form no longer asks about travel to other states besides Michigan, only international travel.
  • Also, it no longer asks to take temperatures, only whether someone has a fever.

In the COVID-19 Screening Checklist, change the question "Have you traveled internationally/outside of Michigan within the last 14 days?" to read "Have you traveled internationally within the last 14 days?"

Moved by Mike, Seconded by Que
14 Ayes / 1 Nays

In the COVID-19 Screening Checklist, change the question "Is your temperature above 100.4° F or 38C (using a thermometer if possible, or your best estimation otherwise)?" to read "Do you have a fever, or is your temperature above 100.4° F or 38C (using a thermometer if possible)?"

Moved by Mike, Seconded by Amelia
15 Ayes / 1 Nays

To-Do for re-opening

  • Getting the electronic waiver updated
  • Updating calendar system
  • Organizing cleaning supplies
  • Organizing PPE
  • Updating best practices page, especially zone-specific guidelines
    • What are most critical updates right now?
  • Actually doing the keypad wipe and subsequent re-add
  • Investigating keypad upgrade to remote-accessible one (the B side one currently in testing)
  • Starting to move chairs around and mark off areas
  • Printing copies of the rules and the Oakland County order to put on the front desk and at the door

Zone updates

Space Project Updates

  • Have not heard back from the architects, they are still waiting to hear back from the city.



  • A list of best practices has been published with the other guidelines.


  • Until commons reopens please do not work on you cosplay at the space unless you are using equipment particular to a different zone.


  • Please Subscribe they are only 6 subscribers away from a custom URL.


Broom Party

Lost & Found Party

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:2109
  • Attendees:18

Action Item Summary

  • Jamie will inventory Space wide PPE, and will report back on any needs for the space to continue operating.

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
In the COVID-19 Screening Checklist, change the question "Have you traveled internationally/outside of Michigan within the last 14 days?" to read "Have you traveled internationally within the last 14 days?"MikeQue141PASS OR FAIL
Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan To include:

"5. All membership keys will be wiped from the keypad and keys will be reinstated on an individual basis after the following conditions are met:

  1. The member has completed the new electronic waiver
  2. The member has completed the COVID-19 Rules Member Agreement Form"

and change the Screening Checklist


"Legally Required Training Information about COVID-19, including: (1) Routes by which the virus causing COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person, (2) Distance that the virus can travel in the air, as well as the time it remains viable in the air and on environmental surfaces. (3) Symptoms of COVID-19. (4) The use of personal protective equipment, including the proper steps for putting it on and taking it off. Is available from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above information from the CDC. * I agree (checkbox). i3Detroit's COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan i3Detroit’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan is available on the wiki here: [Link to standing rules section]. Our Best Practices are located:

By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to follow all of the rules, including procedures you must follow to prevent exposure and spread of the virus, steps you must take to notify i3 of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis, and measures that i3 is taking to prevent member exposure to the virus * I agree (checkbox)"


"I have checked for any updates to the COVID-19 Rules and Best practices since my last visit, via the i3-announce mailing list and the i3 Wiki, and fully understand the rules in their current state

I agree (checkbox)"
Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan To include: "20. Camera reviews will be permitted to be conducted remotely via video chat. All other rules regarding the camera system will remain the same"JamieAmelia151PASS
In the COVID-19 Screening Checklist, change the question "Is your temperature above 100.4° F or 38C (using a thermometer if possible, or your best estimation otherwise)?" to read "Do you have a fever, or is your temperature above 100.4° F or 38C (using a thermometer if possible)?"MikeAmelia151PASS OR FAIL
Change COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan Section 6


"6. Before coming to the space, you must schedule your work time by using the calendar, and you must update the work schedule after you leave to reflect actual times that you were at the space. Staggering of work is strongly encouraged to minimize the number of people in the building at any given time. See COVID-19 Best Practices for details and instructions"


"6. No more than 10 people may be in the space at any given time. Before coming to the space, you must schedule your work time by using the calendar, and you must update the work schedule after you leave to reflect actual times that you were at the space. Staggering of work is strongly encouraged to minimize the number of people in the building at any given time. See COVID-19 Best Practices for details and instructions"


  1. Que
  2. Lewis
  3. William
  4. Matt
  5. Mel
  6. Bea
  7. Jamie
  8. Mike
  9. Amelia
  10. A’Lisa
  11. Kevin
  12. Ben
  13. Greg
  14. David
  15. Paul
  16. Charlie
  17. Thad
  18. Jan

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