Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20200526

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Agenda for 05-26-2020

Chair: Mel

Meeting Location

Meeting held virtually on Google Meet due to MI EO 2020-69 at i3detroit.org/hangouts

Meeting was Called to Order At: 1939

New Business

Discussion of Covid-19 Re-opening Plan

  • POC: Jamie
Add COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan to the Standing Rules
Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Mel
22 Ayes / 1 Nays
Result: PASS
Close the Meeting
Moved by Mel, Seconded by Jody
PASS Ayes / Unknown Nays
Result: No Result!


Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:
  • Attendees:26

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Add COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan to the Standing RulesJamieMel221PASS
Close the MeetingMelJodyPASSNone Nays!No Result!


  1. Jamie
  2. Kevin
  3. Matt
  4. Ben
  5. Lewis
  6. Mike
  7. David
  8. Paul
  9. Jody
  10. Mel
  11. Dave
  12. Bea
  13. William
  14. Kirsten
  15. Thomas
  16. Brandon
  17. Tim
  18. Jan
  19. Jen
  20. Dan
  21. Gary
  22. Matt
  23. Jeff

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Meeting Minutes 20200519 Meeting Minutes 20200602