SIGHAM Amateur Radio
The Amatuer Radio Special Interest Group is largerly a way of collecting the radio knowledge and expeirence of our diverse membership. We will also organize and document projects on this page so that members and the public can stay informed.
Updates Coming soon...
The monthly meetup schedule is being discussed... stay tuned for updates.
like waves 'n stuff dude what the heck are you talking about?
Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club just down the road
USECA Utica Shelby Emergency Communication Association
L'anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club
Garden City Amateur Radio Club
Arrow Communication Association This is the awesome group out of Ann Arbor who runs the bus to Dayton.
CHIRP Open Source Radio Programming Software (primarily VHF/UHF Mobile and Portable rigs currently)
N3FJP N3FJP Windows-based logging software. AClog is Matt's logger of choice, and N3FJP also makes a full suite of contesting software, including networkable Field Day loggers.
N1MM+ N1MM+ is windows-based contesting software. Steep learning curve but reportedly very good once you get past that.
cqrlog "The world's best linux logging program!" according to the website. Seems to be pretty popular linux-based logger. no contesting loggers yet, but is apparently in process
ARRL The Amateur Radio Relay League. National ham radio society.
FCC Federal Communications Commission site for the Amateur Radio Service
Projects and Documents
Radio Station
People have been discussing setting up a permanent Radio Station at i3 Detroit. Band and power have been discussed lightly at this moment I am not certain if any decisions have been made.
A permanent station / repeater may support features such as:
* APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System * CW also called Morse Code * VHF equipment to work local repeaters or direct communication with local hams * HF transceiver and antenna for regional and DX (long distance) communication * PSK and other digital modes * ATV amateur television (TV over UHF ham bands)
please take a moment and share your interesting ideas and comments.
Programming Files
I know there's some CSVs circulating out there. Upload 'em here!
Radio Configs from KD8WCR
I've started to keep my radio configs in a git repo, hosted on github! Sounds crazy? well it is super awesome. Github not only supports editing plain text in the web interface but also parses CSV files very well into a sexy table format. So yay! Maybe I'll even make one of those fun github hosted web pages for this. Wo now, getting geeky up in here.
git clone
Feel free to fork, or submit a Pull Request. If all that is too much for you, and you have suggestions just let me (jtrip) know.
Semi-Permanent APRS I-Gate
I've been giving some thought to putting together an APRS I-Gate for i3 Detroit. The following is the current proposed equipment list:
- Hy-Gain VB-25FM 5-Element Beam Antenna - Antenna (Rating: 500W PEP)
- Mirage B-310-G VHF 2m Radio Amplifier - ~100W (PEP?)
- ArgentData FC-301/D VHF Data Transciever Output: 2W-5W, hardware configured for APRS
- Byonics TinyTrak4 (TNC mode)
- Raspberry Pi (No AFSK1200 decoding or audio demodulation necessary - packet injection to APRS-IS network only)
Send thoughts, praise, critique, questions, etc to zurielseven
Ham Index
List yourself, so people may come to know
Maybe we can start a mailing list but at least this is a good "gather the Hams list"
Name/Nick | Call Sign | Wiki User | License | Experience / Description |
Justin Triplett | KD8WCR | jtrip | Technician | looking to operate emergency air horns |
Matt Huber | KD8LLT | UnixMonky | General | Casual contester |
Rob Lifton | NY8W | Lifton | Extra | Secretary for the USECA organization. |
Bruce Webber | N8SLN | bwebber | Extra | Mostly mobile operation, not active recently |
W. Scott Richardson | W7ZUR | zurielseven | Technician | Project Stratocube stuff... Take off every balloon... for great Science! |
Matthew Gardeski | KD8RBC | mjgardes | General | Yay, Radio! |
Amelia Meyer | KE8HOJ | Amelia Meyer | Technician | Also yay radio! |
Ham Contacts
once I am less embarased by this page I will pimp it and get outsiders listed
Dayton Hamvention
Dayton Hamvention® 2016 Slogan TBA May 20, 21 and 22
Future Hamventions: 2016: May 20, 21 and 22 2017: May 19, 20 and 21 2018: May 18, 19 and 20 2019: May 17, 18 and 19
Ham Swaps
Feb 21, 2016 - Livonia - Livonia, MI Mar 19, 2016 - Crossroads - Kalamazoo, MI
Michigan QSO Party
The Michigan QSO Party is an annual contesting event, where the participants attempt to contact stations in all 83 Michigan counties. Full details are available at the site link. MIQP 2015 is Saturday, April 18 from 16:00Z to 04:00Z (Noon to Midnight EDT).
ARRL Field Day
The ARRL Field Day is an emergency preparedness event, masquerading as a low-key contest. The intent is for groups to set up stations for a 24-hour operating event where the transcievers must use alternate (i.e. non-grid) power. Field Day 2015 is June 27-28. Local Clubs hosting public events:
- L'anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club - Tower Field at Addison Oaks County Park. Contact KD8LLT (Matt) for details.
- Other public sites nationwide can be found with the ARRL Field Day Locator
ARRL November Sweepstakes
The objective of the ARRL November Sweepstakes is for stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) to exchange information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.
- The CW contest is the first full weekend in November (November 7-9 2015)
- The Phone contest is the third full weekend in November (November 21-23, 2015)
Both contests begins 2100 UTC Saturday and runs through 0259 UTC Monday.
Other contests
The ARRL Contest Calendar is available at and keeps links to all official ARRL contests. WA7BNM Maintains a contest calendar at