| TODO |
3D Printer - Formlabs Form2 MelodicTapir |
3D Printer - Full Spectrum Pegasus Touch |
- Mechanical mounts for beaglebone to front panel
- 1-2" vent ducting to main vent
- Edit firmware to make prints take less time
- Laser calibration to try fixing edge non-linearity
- Replace hood
- DC power switch
3D Printer - Hacker H2 |
- Printer fell and has trouble calibrating, diagnosis unknown.
- Replace hotend (Paul Frick)
- Fix extruder thermal decoupling error
- Spool holder?
3D Printer - Prusa MK3S/MMU2S |
- Light bar:
- Needs to be connected to relay, then powered from the 24VDC machine power supply.
- Relay needs to be connected to Raspberry Pi I/O for the OctoPrint Environment plugin to control
- Credentials for OctoPrint and Pi need to be put onto machine physically,. and/or shared with Amelia Meyer
- MMU2S filament spools need a better holder. Maybe something like a retracting winder?
3D Printer - Rostock MAX v3 |
- Troubleshoot calibration issue, G29 command causes hang and code crash
Convection Oven |
- Plumb in vent ducting after AC blast gate
Creality CR30 Belt Printer | User guide, instructions, TBD |